Tips & Tricks for Helping Your Horse
The TMJ Point
We have a technique to help release tension in the TMJ or temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is connected with the horse’s poll, one of the key junctions of the body, and the muscles that surround the poll are connected throughout the whole body. When you release tension in the TMJ you can affect all the way down to the hind end.
If you suspect your horse has a tight poll (perhaps s/he has difficulty bridling or with contact when riding), you might try the TMJ point.
Where is it?
The TMJ is palpable and visible as the little valley between the temporal bone (part of the skull) and the mandible. Here are a few pictures to illustrate where to find the joint.
How do I do this?
This is one of the Masterson Method® techniques where we Search for a Response and Stay for a Release (SRSR).
Responses = blinking eye, muscle tightening around the eye, quivering or twitching lips, lowering head, softening eye, etc.
Releases = licking and chewing, sighing, scratching, snorting, yawning, stretching, resting a hind leg, etc.
Literally you search for one of those responses above—typically shown in and around the eyes—by very very slowly moving your finger tips (using AirGap pressure, you're just barely touching the horse's hair—there's literally no pressure) around a 2 or 3” diameter circle around the TMJ. When you see a Response, you STAY there (do nothing, literally, except stay light with your touch) until there’s a release of some kind. When you’ve gotten a release, you can stay longer, or go to the other side. It may take a few minutes of patience, but it’s worth the wait.
Once you get how SRSR works, like Jim says, you can do it ANYWHERE on the body. The important thing is to CHECK your level of touch. AirGap is almost always twice as soft as you think it is! Let the horse lead - if they show you with a Response that there’s tension or restriction, then Stay for a Release.
When can i do this?
Anytime your horse is not eating food, you can do this technique. You can even do it when bridled and standing around in the arena.
can i watch it?
Yes! Jim has a few videos. See more on the Masterson Method website: